Sunday, May 31, 2009
cool shit, more rotting.tons of stuff to write about, but i'm just too lazy ._.
CIP+dinner with haocheng, (and yangsheng safa grace jingxi)
slacking around and trying to study during the 9th week of term,
and NJC Archery Invitationals. where i got my sexayy chaota look.
i look like a canoeist now, cool
retaking A lvl chinese tml!
ok suddenly i've got not much idea as to what to write other than the fact that I SHOULD BE STUDYING more.
(not studying chinese that is, as in overall studying for CTs.)
i'm hating the pressure.
world of my own    6:00 AM
Monday, May 18, 2009
incredibly random the title says, hahaa.
i had like, 3 really weird dreams in a row last week?
one of them i imagined i was in some building/club/hotel with shaz and sodi and weecheng and we had to go to some place, i think it was a room on the 4th floor.
andd, to go to that place we had to crawl through tons and mounds of garbage (i've got no idea why the only way through is through a rubbish heap, ask my subconscious.) and sodi pulled out a hot pink rugby skins from the trash before we entered the heap.
from what i remember it was something like this:
*sodi digging the trash*
me: dude, wtf you doing?
sodi: since we getting dirty later might as well wear this ah.
and i remember i gave him a totally ehm. are yououtofyourmind? look.
the thing is that the rugby skins were totally disgusting! there were like covered in trash and semi black in some areas and he was still brushing the dirt off and wearing it OVER his normal clothes like a retarded superman.
now that i come to think of it, it was really funny when i first dreamt it and woke up.
the other dream i can't really remember, but my last dream was BIZZARE.
ask me if you're curious hahaa, its just totally wrong though.
world of my own    6:36 AM
Sunday, May 17, 2009
before it starts to rot;here's a post.
today's random post is dedicated to paul ooi :D
(hahahaa paiseh arh dude, i'm just bored)

gay love with caleb
yes. more gay pics. and oh yes he loves caleb's ipod touch.

paul also loves to sleep.

sleep somemore.

still sleeping.

50! sexayyy. 10 10 10 10 10.
ok i'm very bu yao lian, tyvm.
not that much stuff happened throughout the past few weeks,
some of the s16 peeps went to piano ensemble's concert on...the 12th i think?
can't rmb the date, but it was pretty nice!
although i couldn't really appreciate some of the later pieces, im not really a huge classical piano fan ._.
but the jazz and the blues pieces were nice though.
ohh yea, bio spa!
hahaa i'm thankful that we all don't need to cram large amounts of useless information (that the teachers feed us even before the stupid SPA happens) anymore.
what a giant waste of brain space and effort and pen ink -.-
regurgitating what you've just read like 5 mins before goin into the exam hall isn't exactly a very good way to assess one's scientific ability.
and this is so overdue, napfa ._.
yayy i got my gold, but wahlau it's like the worst gold i've ever got i think?
dammit, cos i'm double jointed at my elbow i can't fully extend my arm when doing pullups and mr. menon didn't count like 5 cos he said it wasn't fully extended.
the angle that my arm makes is over 180 degrees la pls, extended enough for you?
ended up doing 8 only, sianzzzzzzzzzz.
but anyway its over, who cares as long as i don't need to go in for 2 more months of extra training! whooooohoo.
and thanks ben raja for running super slow! (piang, your laxing pace is like my normal pace eh. hahahaa.)
cos i paced him during 2.4 yea.
and i realised that i shouldn't go to the pool on fridays, its pretty full.
how random.
and im aching physically from gym yo, i loooove the ache :D
thankyou, im siao.
world of my own    6:42 AM
Friday, May 08, 2009
what to do now arh?cooool, i reached home before 2pm on mon and tues
(not that i've got anything nice to do anyway.)
swimming on weeknights is damn nice, especially when practically no one's in the pool and it's like you own it.
maaan, i should take a pic of the evening sky at the pool leh!
its damn laxing.
sitting there and staring makes me question why i'm even in school ._.
im bored again
world of my own    9:59 PM