Tuesday, March 31, 2009

NJ rifleboys OWNAGE.

Gerald: 587
Akshay: 580
Xu Yang: 580

rifle mens' A div team gold.
individual 1st, 2nd, 3rd. ALL NJ.

'nuff said.


(off to support APB now! the rest of the club, JIAYOU :D)

world of my own    8:02 PM

Thursday, March 26, 2009

oooh and for absolute fun and for posterity/reflection's sake, my last two shoots:

training camp internals:
97 96 99 96 93 90 571 -.-
(i should go shoot myself for those last two series)
siannnz, i totally screwed up my sighting for the last 2 series cos it was actually my position that wasn't there during my 5th series but i tot it was sighting. so i gey-kiang went to sight and made my sighting cockup big time ._.
my last series had like tons of 9.9 and 9.8s, wharrrt the hellllll.
if i shot 96-96 instead i'dve hit 580! WTF.

zhang's sunday night monthly: (or izzit saturday nite? can't rmb.)
93 95 94 97 96 97 572
bloody hell, this time my first few series weren't that good instead -.-
cos zhang's monthly was incredibly chaotic, when i just suited up she shouted "competition start!"


maan, i didn't even start dry firing eh then everyone else orredy started sighting. got too kancheong and ended up dry firing for like 7 mins tops, then started sighters without my form being totally there which kinda screwed up my first half of the shoot.
could get 10s, but like they were kinda borderlined?
like as if i pulled the trigger even though i didn't feel confidently stable enough to pull i did and by luck it ended up as a 10.

hmm, but my last 2 trainings this week were sexayyy :D

please let it last until nationals! (or let akshay gerald and xuyang peak until siao this week instead oso can)

world of my own    5:24 AM

how time flies;

team bbss 07!

"LOls that sounds so weird.
but haiii, yeaa....
seems such a short time before that me, shaz, kimhock and zhihao first stepped into the range ):
now we're officially the alumni of BBSS air rifle -.-
EX-vice capt~
hahahaaas, but on the other hand its kinda good?
cos after relinquishing all the responsibility, there's much less stress to handle ;D

to my lovely jrs reading this:


you wouldn't even begin to realise how much we seniors've been stressing and worrying over you all, until you're in our shoes; so nvm nvm. yeaa, and of cos im always the horrible, irritating, vulgar, love-to-scold-the-living-hell-out-of-you-all vice capt, but has it occurred to you all if i don't be the bad guy, whos gonna be?


i do all that nonsense not just for fun -.- i dun enjoy myself when i scream the shit out of everyone, i dun derive anything beneficial to myself out of that....

so ook.

my point being, i sincerely apologise if i've actually been hurtful or harsh in any way or time during my lectures and scoldings, cos they're meant to wake you all up rite? what's the use of scolding you all if you can't feel the pain involved in it? hope you guys understand my rationale for being so horrible and everything.

SORRY to the C team! hope you all can be forgiving and have a big heart horr~


hmmm and on a lighter note, i dun wanna leave air rifle still lecturing you all on my blog; makes me feel like i'm ancient and long dead, then still wan to scold you guys somemore -.-but it was indeed an honour to have led you guys, i'm sure all the other seniors oso feel the same way(:

dun forget all the stuff we've taught you all alrite? just like how we passed down everything we learnt frm mag's batch all the way down to you all, like bringing sweets into comp, stuff like that. see? even you all know stuff that they've taught us! hope you guys wun forget how much the seniors have put into air rifle, and rmb to thank mr loo, mr neo and mrs chan for everything too; they're not the youngest ppl around anymore, and please be patient with them when they get quite cranky (happens frequently with old ppl like them ;D)

and now that you all are goin to take over soon as leaders of the cca soon, keep in mind; the character development of your juniors character is higher than anything, including shooting well and getting great scores.

who wants a team without teamwork or integrity, even if they can shoot 590/600?

that's not a team, that's a bunch of machines.

dun forget bout everything the seniors taught you guys about character, responsibility etc etc, there's reasons why we put so much emphasis to have team talk everytime after trainings. don't fight among yourselves for petty, stupid things and i don't wanna hear of politics during training and selections for team slots k?

lastly, just chill alrite?

keep the fun factor in air rifle and like mag said, you're a family, but during trainings keep the concentration up,you guys still got a long way to go to bring air rifle to greater heights ;D

do your best and give all you have during trainings, trust me;

they'll pay off in the end(:

Gabra's still around next year whn you guys need help, and so are all of the seniors; just give us a call or a msg or anythin and we're there.

hope after leading you guys for the past year or so we've earned your respect, cos you all have definitely earned ours.(:
dun miss us horr!


takkaire and all the best, jrs;

yr vice capt,

-DAN. "

wow, it's been 2 years since i wrote this.

and looking back it brings back great memories yo (: but then again, it reminded me about how much NJCSC is about the people, that we're so much more than just a bunch of shooters but that we're a legacy; the end result of so many years of seniors and their hard work.

as i'm typing this, i'm 5 days away from closing the chapter called "shooting" on my life, and after 6 years of it and i'd safely say i definitely wouldn't be who i am without it.

the holiday trainings, the sweat in the old batok range and the equipment, rushing to the back gate after eating outside batok just to go for training, competitions and how we screwed them up, training and bonding camps in NJ (where the rifleboys scammed the 100 plus drinks machine HAHA), trainings in the NJ range, playing pool in the range, thursday morning coach trainings, and tons more.

great memories eh (:

hmm, wonder if i'm ever gonna take up shooting again competitively.

cos after As its either i'm going back to batok/NJ to coach after taking NCAP (hopefully for real this time, if i din succeed it'd be the 3rd time i tried to take NCAP but forgot to register at MOE for it -.-) or really start training on my own and try out for NTT.

but then again my standard's not there yet ehh, so see how i guess. i'm at the most a high 570-low 580 at the moment but NTT cut off point should be at 58something consistently.

5 more days to nationals, peeps.


world of my own    4:51 AM

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

when one dies,
the three biggest regrets are that they din have enough fun while they were alive, they should've been more generous and they should've been more patient (this one i dun really agree, should be they should've loved more)

hmm but very true yarh?
one's dying regrets sure wouldnt be like "aiyahh, shit. i shouldve scored 1 more A1 for O lvls," or "damn i din finish that chem tutorial."
aiyarhh, life's just too short to waste ppl.
just like that dude who got killed while crossing the PIE -or rather cos he made way for some retarded drunk guy crossing it- or any other instance where life just gets taken away in an instant;
we never know when we'll just kick the bucket so why bother getting so uptight over certain small small things?

its times like these when everyone's all swamped up with schoolwork and trainings and nationals and studying that we forget how to appreciate the smaller, simpler things in life.
like taking a long walk back instead of taking 3 more bus stops to clear your mind,
spending time with your friends just chatting and hanging out,
or just taking a break from the books.

to put it more simply, laxxxxing yo!
the most important thing in the world SURE ain't the coming A lvls or the nationals,
even though they're pretty important of course.
all im saying is that one should learn to take a step back and have a breather, especially when we're all kinda bogged down with random shit that's clogging our lives.

hahaa, i still believe in my mantra. "do what you feel like."
cos time sure doesn't wait for anyone or anything.

(incredibly random musings, was listening to "Live Your Life" on the way back from training camp last nite)

world of my own    4:22 AM

Monday, March 16, 2009

hahaa, nsync still owns (:

world of my own    6:42 AM

Friday, March 13, 2009

2 more weeks
to nationals!

i think time passes wayy too fast when my week gets packed with trainings and homework.
HTNS interschools wasn't too bad for us, although it could've been alot better though hahaa;
chiong for 2 more weeks and that's it ppl.

and whooo i broke my personal best for the 4th time in 4 shoots ;D
95 95 98 95 96 95 574
finally hit 570!
aiseh, for the first time i saw my name so high up on a results list.
shocking yo.
really thank God for the good performance, its like for most of the shoot my elbow-hip form was damn nice, it totally din move at all.

and here's my punching bag at home:

great for relieving stress yo, just anyhow whack/kick it for fun
and its pretty good exercise too.
kays, off to study abit before gymming ._.

world of my own    10:08 PM

Saturday, March 07, 2009

ooh and i forgot:

many people, one purpose. taupok. HAHA

taupok from hell.
hongqian's face looks like he's in so much agony its friggin funny
please let the coming week be a slack week, i'm incredibly shagged.

world of my own    5:21 AM

more random pics
just cos i feel like it.

the round table that xinyi broke, no idea how he did it

puonyl puonanoate,
nice smile ;D

zhongyi and shengrui standing just below the aircon cos the range wasn't aircon-ed until i switched it on.
(cos only rifleshooters in full suit can on the aircon, we rock yo)

more boredom in class

cool, din know my phone could do artistic shots like this.

another tribal

black dolphin.

what usually happens in chinese class

ben raja "meditating" in chem class

the carpark at tohtuck rd, just felt bored while waiting for my dad to get the car after church

world of my own    5:03 AM

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

what a week;
izzit just me or did the week just pass by so darn quickly?
school+NTU shoot+roadrun and there goes the week ._.

the past week NJ shot at NTU invitational shoot and i guess we din do very well as a whole larh, but its a good learning experience yo.
quite alot of our shooters crashed and din do as well as they'dve wanted to, hmm maybe cos of competition pressure?
for the rifleboys it's more of handling competition mistakes that's the problem.
ppl, lets just go ahead and make as many mistakes as you wan now, we'll own the other schools upside down during nationals(:

this year's shoot was pretty quiet, like there weren't as many schools around SAFRA yishun during the competition days itself; almost like NJ+our alumni, RJ and MJ only for the rifleboys detail at least.

and MJ and dunman high are catching up,
how'd dunman suddenly have a 580-something shooter suddenly?

time to start the last month of chionging for nationals, it's just that little bit more!
come to think of it there's only exactly 28 more days to the rifleboys detail.
(which is abit scary, considering that there's so little time and still quite a big gap to catch up in terms of standard)

but NTU was alright for me, yayy i broke my old personal best again ;D

94 93 95 95 95 95 567

amaazin, considering the fact that i thought i screwed up my first series. thought i shot 90, still can 94 sia.
although i think it's kind of due to the scoring machine's leniency;
i dun think i shot a 567 performance, it kinda felt like 561-564 at the most.

love the fact that i'm still improving but i just wish it was a wee bit faster, nidta find out my mistakes and work on them quick.

on to today:
hmm feels great to come home and find the junk in my room all cleared up (thanks to my mom hahahaa)

and i think koda kumi's Moon Crying is damn nice eh!
ok maybe i'm a sucker for how well she's able to portray emotions in her songs.


and i'm done.

world of my own    4:41 AM


DAN the man.
17 years on the face of good ol' earth.
once a bukitbatok-ian, ALWAYS a batokian. ;D
LITTLE RED DOT in southeast asia.
EX-senior spec
EX-batok air rifle vice capt
NJC rifle capt
anything else you want, dearie? :D


dragonball *i know im childish; dun have to remind me*
slacking around with frens



liyana yeo

