Tuesday, February 24, 2009
hmm come to think of it,i haven't actually blogged for real in a very long time.
as in like, other than posts of what i've been doing/going/stuff bout shooting,
but instead random musings about stuff.
like, the past few weeks've been pretty darn repetitive for some reason;
i think J2 life's better in the sense that we got tons of free periods now?
even though its supposed to be more stressed i feel a hell lot more slack nowadays.
maybe it's cos BCML H1maths means that you've essentially only got bio and chem homework to deal with most of the time, then again its not giving me enough pressure to work harder for my studies.
but i almost passed me chem test yo ;D
hmm at least i'm still studying bit by bit every nite, at least it'll be easier off for me when we're all nearer to the As.
regardless, most of the time after school still means straight to the range.
i'm back to training but i'm not feeling back on great form yet even with NTU invitationals coming up this thursday and monthly shoot on sunday :/
pray that i'll get shooting well soon yo.
its such a cycle larh, doing the same stuff week after week;
talk about the mundane lives of the women of Canterbury ._.
on a very random note i feel like getting a tattoo! (on my ankle or something)
hahaa it's kinda fun to think of and draw designs during boring classes,
just brings me closer and closer to really getting myself a real tatt.
and damn, its totally unfair that since my brother ended his NS 2 weeks ago he's been living the life of a total bum.
his whole day is pretty much:
wake up late, laze around, go out with friends, shop, play comp, watch movies online/tv, eat, sleep.
repeat every day until near march, when he's gonna go to korea on holiday with his friends -.-
goin to watch miami/L.A/London ink online now(:
world of my own    3:46 AM
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
dude's nite out was funnnnn ;D
or at least being total idiots with the guys (yangsheng, wensong, caleb, paul) was nice(:
met up at plaza sing's mac for dinner before waiting for wensong and caleb to come, and we watched valkyrie which wasn't too bad i guess?
as in the movie's significance was nice and everything, but i kinda thought it was really boring at some parts ._.
its like, you know that the plot to kill hitler obviously didn't succeed yet you're still eager to find out what happened to the heroes.
and of cos yangsheng liked it, patriotic movie wad hahahaa.
after that we went all over town, wanted to go to marina barrage but we kinda got lost and decided it was too friggin far so we settled for esplanade there.
watched some concert thingy at near the singapore river and went over to that empty space across the road (opposite the padang) to slack and watch yangsheng go camera crazy ._.
(i forgot to include one more shot of me and paul holding hands HAHA, go facebook if you wanna see :D)

we got bohliao waiting for the lift

on the way to esplanade

screwing around opposite the padang

our last shot, its niiiiiiice ;D
more outings like this would be da sex.
and im training again!
world of my own    5:59 AM
Saturday, February 07, 2009
what the ponggg,
i can't train ._.
stupidly injured that joint near my left knee cos my stance was making it twist when it's not supposed to be twisting.
got blueblack somemore!
hmmm, shouldn't have trained so often larh..
but it's good to take a break for the moment i guess, cos of that injury i've been leaving the firing line limping;
my leg feels super numb after shooting, especially that thursday morning during coach training.
i'm definitely going back when i feel better yo.
its been fun to be so guai lately, like everyday after school and training i've been doing tutorials consistently for the first few times in my time at NJ ;D
its gonna sound real brainwashed and everything,
but it feels incredibly good to finish a whole stack of work and go "HELLYEAAHHH" and do whatever the hell i want after that.
like gym or running or piano or wasting time aimlessly online or watching tv or pool.
i miss soccer ._.
and i kinda love PE nowadays cos it feels great to ache the day after!
hahaa ok i sound i'm a masochist.
i'll update properly sometime soon yarh(:
world of my own    6:17 AM