Tuesday, December 30, 2008

wah, trained yesterday + today + safra monthly on sunday.
and i shot 554 for monthly,
kinda okok?

but it's like i definitely could've done a whole lot better if i din mess up my alignment, sighting and hip + elbow form.

and whoa, for the first time i trained from 9 to around 3pm;
tiring like hell especially when mentally i'm still thinking bout my bad positionings from safra monthly and the training on mon.

hahaa i can't believe it's been a year since the Os have passed,
its friggin fast leh!
now looking at my old posts makes me feel super immature.
like how come last time i posted like that arh?
kinda overly optimistic.

gonna be 09 in 2 days ppl,
enjoy 08 while it lasts(:
even though it's been quite a shit yr larh hor.
sichuan earthquake, the financial meltdown, my studies bein pretty crap hahaa,
hope 09's gonna be real different.


world of my own    5:39 AM

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

i love my gun.

hahaa, the title kinda says it all.

yayy, my first 50!
or at least in quite a long while.

feels great when everything goes smoothly during trainings(:
thank you Lord;

570 here i comeeeee

world of my own    8:45 PM

just felt like posting out of the blue ._.



world of my own    7:38 AM

Friday, December 19, 2008

random pics again.

hooo yeah ;D

standard chartered bags, its only 3k somemore.
imagine 47k more ._.
like lord of the rings seh..

mutant banana, 2 for the price of 1

world of my own    7:14 AM

hoooo yeaaaa,
i broke my personal best (in shooting) ahahahahahaaa~
just lemme shuang la can?

87 95 95 90 93 95 555

from 549/600 to 555/600! (563 unofficially, if i din screw up my first series cos i din sight properly.)
daaaamn, i still felt like i could've done so much better like possibly high 560s if my sighting was perfect and i din keep on having triggerfreeze;
like so many wasted 9.8s, 9.9s.
and the middle 90 series was cos i din concentrate properly, keep on letting my bad instincts take over and cause a whole ton of 8s and 9s.
k, i nidta train more before i shoot dec safra monthly.

anyways, today was internals!
and lets see what else i did throughout the week.
woke up at 7 odd and was in charge of club internals for this month, pretty fun ;D
after that went to return my friend some stuff, stopped at near little india and ate indian food LOL. random.
but quite nice actually.

reached home and watched a horrible quality version of twilight, courtesy of my dad's friend's pirated dvd.
hmmmm, its not bad i guess?
but guys, realise that in the movie bella NEVER smiles at edward.
its quite disturbing, its like she's not drawn to edward by love, its this inexplicable allure rather than it;
abit freaky arh.
i think the actor who played edward suits the role, but you know what?
no one really remembers that he played Cedric in HP Goblet of Fire ._.

what did i do?
ohh yea bio tutorial ;D
finally did some work, but then again stem cells is so damn easy.
recovered frm gym the previous day, cant remember what else i did.

cant remember at all, maybe run?
i know i ran 4.8k this week in 24.58, but i dunno when ._.

no idea either, hols are shit in the sense that they screw up your memory cos everyday seems the friggin same.

pool and LAN with shaz, weecheng and shiva.
after that,
standard chartered dinner!
free food and free adidas merchandise + the leaders, what's there not to like?

aiseh, what an incredibly long post.

world of my own    6:33 AM

Sunday, December 14, 2008

it's amazing
how we dun appreciate the hols and all the free time we have;
it's like every day passes and its basically the same stuff each day and we moan bout how boring it is.
the days and weeks go pass and we don't feel how much time we've wasted,
but when it's back to school, you dun even have time to sleep a full 8 hours ._.

whee my arms are dead.

world of my own    4:32 AM

Sunday, December 07, 2008

quarantine was the worst movie I've ever watched in my 17 years on this earth.
seeeerious shit;
(van if you're reading this maybe not my cup of tea la hor. more like cup of piss. LOL.)
it's probably cos i can't take those kinda blair witch-esque movies,
where some retard runs around with a handycam.
screw that la, its damn nauseating..
dunno wtf's happening and the screams of that lead lady make me wanna slap her in the face -.-

its the kind when you know, you cry too much until you've got nothing left in you and YET you still wanna shout and scream?
that kind of hoarse hoarse wan to die voice ._.
aiyaaa, shaddap can.
it didn't help that the dude in the couple on my left had horrible breath and that the right couple had this really strong perfume smell coming from them.

the last 5 mins i got so dizzy cos of how screwed up the shots were that i was just listening mp3 and trying to sleep, wishing for it to friggin end.
one day when i get rich i'm gonna hire someone to shoot the maker of quarantine in the balls;

(ehh sia la, rhyme seh. LOL.)

world of my own    5:23 AM

Thursday, December 04, 2008

its ooover,
starting frm YLTC to shooting training camp to standard chartered marathon work to shooting chalet.

just burnt a total of 15 days like that.
but was damn fun though, the standard chartered thingy, even though its the most friggin mentally stressful thing i ever did so far.
tons and tons of packing to do, and checking and double, triple, quadruple checking.
packed around 50000 race packs in total, and tons of tshirts and race bibs (those stupid tags you pin on yourself when you run)

kinda lazy to elaborate on how it's done,
but its a great experience cos you sorta understand what working life is like.
like ohmytian la, frm the shooting camp all the way to the end of SC marathon when i left the house in the morning it was dark, when i came back it was dark;
averagely came back at 11pm every nite ._.

shooting chalet was pretty fun!
at least the first day i went to, dunno bout the 2nd cos was too damn tired to go and my parents wanted me to stay at home to rest.
reached the place and soccered abit with akshay gerald henry,
went to chye watt seng to buy william and xuandao their senior's farewell gift.
coool shit, was this damn nice collarpin/pin thingy in the shape of an airrifle!
and got them some other random stuff, like raisins for william (cos he gets relaxed when he eats raisins and shoots HAHA) and bandages for xuandao (cos he wans to be a doctor).

had the bbq and showed the seniors farewell videos,
rifle+pistol boys' was retarded as usual ;D
after that went LAN-ing frm about 1am to 5,
dunno why i wasnt tired AT ALL.
damn fun stuff, C&C and got dizzy again cos of battlefield ._.
walked back to the chalet after that in 20 mins, i love walking around at nite when the road's practically yours.
trained back and finally KOed on the train, damn tired at that point.
bought a 2 bucks mac breakfast and ate at home, died on my bed for 10 hours and woke up for 4 more hours, died AGAIN until this morning at 10 o.O

and here i am!
after 1 day of slacking/being online/using comp/piano,
i think i should go gym tml morning.

world of my own    2:38 AM


DAN the man.
17 years on the face of good ol' earth.
once a bukitbatok-ian, ALWAYS a batokian. ;D
LITTLE RED DOT in southeast asia.
EX-senior spec
EX-batok air rifle vice capt
NJC rifle capt
anything else you want, dearie? :D


dragonball *i know im childish; dun have to remind me*
slacking around with frens



liyana yeo

