Monday, November 24, 2008
training campis a great time to play cards with the team.
random, lately i haven't been feeling the slightest bit of inclination to gym;
maybe cos im too lazy after YLTC and PT from normal days ._.
world of my own    6:52 AM
Sunday, November 23, 2008
wai-el-tee-see;and whoa it's been 2 wks since i blogged!
kayyy, onto yltc.
its gonna be one loooong post.
day 1:
we met at the parade square and had our briefing and icebreakers, quite fun leh actually;
this ask qns M&M game, human bingo, and some other game where we hadta listen to ppl's voice to form shapes while holding hands.
and i started out not really knowing anyone from my group other than amanda frm track, but we rock yo.
owned the groups in outdoor cooking and rafting when our raft was absolute SHIT somemore, HAHA ;D
land expedition!
this crazy round the island expedition from the reservoir near yishun/khatib MRT (cant rmb which one it was) to chinese gardens, to vivo, to east coast park.
so yea, after getting frm one station to the other we hadta walk about 5k from the middle part of ECP to the end of it, near changi airport there.
reached and ate dinner, changed for night cycling and ohmytian it was so daaaammn fun.
hahaaa at least for me la, first time wad!
cycled frm ecp to bedok reservoir to around bedok changi siglap area, woww was damn nice la...
like so many empty areas where you can just chiong, and i've never went to those areas of the east before, coooolio.
can see why paul goes crazy over it.
came back to my bunk kinda tired with an aching ass, but it sure was nice.
day 2:
first thing in the morning: PT.
jumping jacks, 100 counts of 8 along with some other stuff;
piang eh now i'm scared of jumping jacks -.-
but overall it wasn't too horrible?
like kinda tolerable, not until you wan die but not slack until you'd just cruise through it.
so today was sea expedition I, kayakinggg.
nowhere nearly as far as OBS' sea expedition, its pretty much under 20km i'd say, only kayaked to near bedok jetty there and back.
but still ended up super burnt, which is nice!
i love my tan.
finished sea ex I, and had leadership talk which i thought was the most leadership-ly beneficial thing in the whole camp other than learning on the way frm all the activities;
the speakers and the activities were seeeriously good leh,
gotta try them in shooting camp next time.
day 3:
sea ex II!
dragonboating and rafting, did stuff like singing inilah and tons of songs while tying our raft which got stolen by another team -.-
ok it's like this,
we did our raft until it was pretty much quite good then the instructors said we had to change with the group next to us which wasn't building a raft more than they were building a submarine.
so we swapped our damn nice raft with another group, (group 8) and we got group 6's submarine -.-
the irony man, group 8's raft looked the best and ours looked the worst but we got 1st and they got last.
life is fair ;D
outdoor cooking at nite, and even though we got 2nd and our food sure looked great i think it was contaminated or sth cos i felt abit nauseous on day 4 and 5 o.O
and after that we had alumni talk which was SHIT.
daaamn, no offence to the alumnis who took out their time to come all the way to changi to talk to us for an hour but i totally din get the link between what they were talking about and how it linked to leadership ._.
day 4:
high ropes course and that's pretty much it, kinda repeated stuff from pri 5 camp, SPARKC, sec 2 camp and OBS.
the campfire was kinda nice, saw the other groups skits and some were really funny while others were, um. plain un-understandable.
sian larh, i think i didnt bang the dustbin lid hard enough so the bollywood tune wasnt really audible so ppl ended up not understanding why the hell we suddenly zi-high and danced like siao during our skit.
couldnt really cheer/shout cos my voice went to hell from the 3rd day onwards, sounded like a wounded cow -.-
day 5:
damn, they woke us up at 3am for the final challenge (run/walk 10k to near the 360ski thingy and come back with your team flag), and like even though we went from 2nd to 6th cos we had casualties and stuff its cool, we still finished the whole thing as a team ;D
cheered alot and sang stuff along the way back, laxingg.
went back to NJ after cleanup and bussed home, stopped at wm for SUBWAY!
subway tastes like heaven after bein so tired.
amazingly, din KO once i reached home cos i really wanted to use the comp and check emails, etc.
training camp frm 24th to 28th, standard chartered frm 28th to 1st, shooting chalet frm 1st to 4th.
God help me.
world of my own    5:15 AM
Monday, November 10, 2008
random:this post happens to be the same as my PSLE score!
awkward silence.
had PT this morning which was kinda more siong than normal,
back raises, alternate crunches, pumping, sideplanks, jumping jacks, standing broad jumps, and in 5 rounds in between.
kao, at the standing broad jump part i wanna peng orredy.
very nua~ after that.
ohhh yaya, whn we were having PT at the same time saw nanyang girls opposite us doin pt oso, wahseh.
they could carry each other leh.
no idea what cca though, but i think it was judo (even though they looked like netballers/softballers) cos i saw one of them on the way to lunch just now.
this small small girl could carry a girl roughly twice her size;
hahahaaa, i cant even carry ppl around!
supposed to go hang out with zh and zhengyang after PT but they nt free -.-
aaaanyway, went to old bukitbatoksec the kopitiam to eat cos my mom's sick so settle food myself.
so nostalgic maann, the tons of hours of slacking after meals after sch;
the mac and kfc that BELONGS to bbss ;D
the busstop i went to every friggin day to take 188 back,
the neighborhood stuff and the blocks that i walked through after trainings and NCC.
daaaamn, and i feel so weird larh for some reason;
like alot of ppl i knw are getting holiday jobs and all i can say is that the only work exeperience i've got is being a bangla for 2 days.
yeaa, carrying stuff around larh basically for like 60 bucks or so.
lotsa stuff.
k i sound like a drug runner.
yeaaaaa, i can play better now ;D
piano, that is.
off to practice.
world of my own    11:09 PM
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
tagged:tagged by paul -.-
Three names you go by:
1. daniel
2. dan
3. ah tee (youngest ma)
Three screen names you have had:
1. DAN`.
2. xdaywalkerx LOL. sec 2 put one la, immatureeeee ;D
3. ehhh that's about it, only dan or daywalker.
Three parts of your heritage:
1. BATOK boy, bbss owns. fullstop.
2. chinese
3. God's child
Three things that scare you:
1. going to hell
2. getting really really REALLY fat
3. horror movies (hahaaa i knw im hum)
Three of your everyday essentials:
1. at least 6 hrs of sleep
2. food
3. music; in the form of mp3/comp/piano/guitar
Three things you are wearing now:
1. batok pe shorts
2. nike tee
3. my watch
Three of your favourite songs: (how to choose just 3?!)
1. 发如雪-周杰伦
2. 星晴-周杰伦
3. Papercut-Linkin Park
Two truths & a lie, in no particular order:
1. i love my gun
2. paul is gay
3. i love pw
Three of your favourite hobbies:
1. lepaking with friends
2. piano/reading
3. gym
Three things you want to do really badly now:
1. go back japan, SERIOUSLY
2. watch chris rock's video that's still downloading
3. spend lotsa holiday time with friends
Three careers you're considering/you've considered:
1. lawyer
2. shooting coach
3. poly lecturer, LOL.
Three places you want to go on vacation to:
1. Japan
2. Hawaii
3. The Carribean
Three things you want to do before you die:
1. be a dad
2. travel the world
3. die without regrets
Three things that make you stereotypically a girl:
2. i can play the piano (aiyarh cos most guys dunno how to play)
3. i'm short, HAHA.
Three things that make you stereotypically a boy:
1. i gym
2. i love slacking/lazing around
3. i love food
Three people that you would like see take this quiz too:
1. vanessa
2. yangsheng
3. liumin
world of my own    4:42 AM
PW's over babbyyyy!ok this is late, i was just lazy to blog bout the end of pw yesterday ._.
but i can't really care less bout it anyway,
so there.
hahaaa went out with paul and yangsheng after OP, makan-ed at serene mac and paul bought RA3;
oh my tian i wan it pls, looks so damn nice!
supposed to go shaz's house for soccer after that but it rained like siao, so still went but slacked and watched bits of a movie on his comp instead.
watched max payne with him and kimhock,
aiseh khock come frm tampines sehhh~
made it just in time.
the movie was decent i guess?
kinda disappointing cos there's a whole lot less action than you'd expect.
and no gore or violence or chase sequences or anything!
what the love...
but nvm la, worth watching to say you watch orredy though.
lepaked abit at batok interchange after that and went home,
helped van edit her vogue essay,
yay someone owes me big time ;D
woke up for the first time in a LONG LONG time that it's officially the hols!
hahahaa, damn nice feeling ;D
supposed to go out with sherrie deb shuyan to ecp cycling, but they all couldnt make it sooo....
and piano-ing around a whole lot, since nth to do
woww its been ages since i really posted like this,
like what i did in the day or etc etc.
stuff in the hols that's goin on:
17th to 21st, YLTC
24th to 28th, training camp
28th to 1st dec, standard chartered run (if i get selected that is)
s16 chalet, dunno when.
4e2 chalet/bbq, no idea.
ogl camp, cant rmb the dates
h3 lit preparation, IF i get in
new adizeros
mayyybe a new bag
that hugo boss jacket i saw on taka's escalator (me, not the jacket -.-)
570 average! ok see how la this one, see training good anot hahaa
ok, BLOG.
world of my own    2:55 AM