Saturday, October 25, 2008
what life is about:hahaa, says on haocheng's blog that
"Friends,Food,Sleep,Movie,Sport, is about these stuffs "
always read that and went "HELL YEA." inside!
i'd add in God, girls, family, music, travelling and gym though ;D
isnt it amazin how life's just all about these simple things?
not studying, not your future job, not PW, contrary to wad NJC school management thinks.
i'm sure that after you die you're not gonna be saying stuff like "damn, i should've sealed that last deal before i kicked it."
or i shouldve gotten A for PW,
or scored 4As.
you get my drift.
hmm, mr heah's leadership stuff really gets people thinking.
just imagine ppl, when you die what do you wanna get remembered as?
what would you want yr tombstone to say?
and its so coincidental that 2 family members of people close to me passed away,
got me thinking that whoa, if i die just like that would i have any regrets anot.
soooo, moral of the story:
just live your life to the fullest la(:
another random musing brought to you by danieljohnlee.
world of my own    5:25 AM
Monday, October 20, 2008
seeeeeeerious arh?!
open day was shit. hahaa.
rotted for 6 hours while teaching overexcited parents and their scrawny p6 kids how to shoot ._.
i hate PW,
so much friggin stuff to do, mannn i'm damn busy larh nowdays!
heh, hell of a holiday.
can't wait for OP and chinese As to be over, THEN its finally a holiday.
and those peeps who wan 4e2 outing, can have on a friday/sat?
sounds ok rite, and easier for everyone to commit on a wkend.
hmmm but ehh pls come arh, dun we organise orredy then y'all all pangseh and dun come like the last e2 outing (if you call THAT an e2 outing) where only me, xm, yongjie, andy, junjie and yihuai turned up -.-
5 duddes, gayshit.
if wan, then be steady can?
tag/email/msn me, i collate and see how in between poly/jc students when most suitable ;P
my life for the past few days basically:
gym (well, less of it cos of the first thing -.-)
lepaking (OSO less of this cos of the first thing)
me wan watch movie.
world of my own    4:18 AM
Thursday, October 09, 2008
training resumes, yeaaaaacan't wait to start again ;D
PW workshop was actually pretty nice, and everyone seems to be drowning in PW now.
*nods to paul's blog*
i got the same few things to do at home if im bored,
partly cos my laptop's reformatted and i don't have any games in it.
things i can do:
watch whose line/gaki no tsukai/movies
watch tv
putter around and annoy davidshawnlee
play dota on his comp
run my house there the 4.8k route
makan with the dudes
random: i miss swimming.
new songs i wanna learn on piano:
Secret (wanna learn so long everytime so jipua one ._.)
pieces frm 不能说的秘密
more newage pieces
i think i'm losing muscle mass leh, sian :/
lose oso lose everythin, including the good stuff.
time to train.
world of my own    5:35 AM
Sunday, October 05, 2008
ohh how random, post no.231.woww, i think i've gotten used to bumming around ever since promos ended last last thurs ._.
effectively i've been slacking for the past 10 days.
the gym-going out repetition's getting kind of boring, + movies at home,
i need more shit to do!
other than PW and preparing for chinese As that is;
like preparing for training to come back &&&
organising BBSS CIP!
ohh yeaa, to all batok peeps, are you guys open to the idea of going back to tutor the jrs?
like, once/dunno how many times per month go back to help out those who need academic help, in maths or wadever subjects you guys are good at.
CIP hours are awarded ;D
just that we haven't really ironed out the timeframe, the amount of ppl, etc etc with the teachers yet so if you're interested tag/msg/email me or elaine yeaa.
aiyaa go back la ppl, got new building who dun wanna go back(:
somemore a hell lot nearer than bukit timah, so travelling all that easy to kao tim.
other stuff:
-4e2 class outing, still haven plan with xm seh
-outing with the Five, zhihao better be free that moron -.-
-AFS Japan ppl outing
-i wanna watch eagle eye!
okkayyy, making a mental note to start planning this stuff.
saw I, II, IV finished.
time to watch saw III ;D
world of my own    7:02 AM
Thursday, October 02, 2008 a lobster.
that's what soaking in the sea for quite awhile does to you while in the afternoon sun.
how come it seems everytime i go to sentosa i end up overtanning?
should learn how to control my tan larh, now i'm sore and i look like hellboy ._.
*touches burnt parts*
went for class outing today,
HAHA if you call 5 ppl a class outing. (caleb, xinyi, yangsheng, safa, me)
but nevertheless quite fun ehh, cycling and slacking around in the water(:
bought food there to save $$, imma poor boy man!
and sentosa cheats ppl money anyway;
pics up soon!
world of my own    6:12 AM