Sunday, August 31, 2008

nice feelings:
-falling onto your bed after a tiring day of gym
-after showering
-after eating a hell lot when you're hungry
-shooting a 10.9
-randomly throwing rubbish into a dustbin and totally not expecting it to go in when it actually DID go in (HAHA did this alot of times, 4 times consecutively actually. once at AMK hub i threw an empty can into the dustbin and it actually went in and i shouted WHOOOOO! pretty darn loudly. LOL. end up ppl started staring)
-great music

more to come, dunno why i love making retarded lists like this nowadays.

and teacher's day was pretty nice, went out with the batok dudes to pool and chatted bout lotsa crap hahaa;
im just lazy to meticulously update bout how it went ._.

world of my own    11:04 PM

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

in NJ,
-nothing goes missing other than lives and notes.
-when we get bored of eating at one side of the canteen, we just switch sides.
-PE = freeperiod
-pub stunts are just a giant conspiracy to throw face and stun everyone with incredibly lame jokes
-everyday is A lvl
-a minute not spent mugging is a minute wasted
-people are half spider, bloody kancheong.
-we have to pay our student council to play pool.....?! (which is why shooters have it good ;D)
-soccer is unheard of
-we'd choose to save our notes in a burning building over our parents LOL. jkjk.
-friday mornings we walk like zombies/ppl going to a wake
-we arbitrarily all agree on hating V c h e n g sometimes

can't think of anythin else at the moment.
yeaaaa, first random whimsical post in a long while ;D

friday beckons!

world of my own    6:36 AM

Sunday, August 24, 2008

i wanna go out.
i'm so friggin bored la, wtf?
its like after prelims-before Os that kinda feeling;
just endless routines of going home to study just without the freedom of having no school -.-

hate the feeling of being enclosed at home,
nidta go out walk walk more if not i'll just go INSANE.
feel like goin queensway or vivo to shop for stuff,
i wan somemore shoes!
nid to wash my court force too, getting kinda greyish orredy.

and my bro just bought a new pair of dunk lows, so in total my family's got...
5 pairs of "force"s?
my court force +AFones , my bro's delta force + dunk lows, my dad's AFones.
yeaaa my dad wears sneakers yo.

can't wait for teachers day!
in your face, paul ;D

world of my own    7:21 AM

Friday, August 15, 2008

random musings.
i realised that so damn many of my posts in 08 hafta do with mugging of some sort;
and its just sad that i've pretty much lost the motivation to study.

back in the Os at least there was something to look forward to, the end of all the studying and monotony, not to mention the company of greaaat ppl (or rather lifelong friends).
there was the impending freedom that we all counted down to;
the thoughts and crap we'd fantasize about, like going totally wild after the papers and burning our entry proofs.
the things that we wanted to prove to ourselves and our seniors, that we could totally own them upside down which we did(:
aspiring bout leaving our names on the walls, and actually doing it.
coming back as respected seniors.

now there's no end in sight.
after the promos there's chinese A lvls and PW,
and there you have it, 08's over.
here come the A levels for real.

is it really so hard to believe that my life now is,
not. a life?
its a procedure of events that HAVE to happen,
waking up, eating, mugging, doing hw, getting meagre hours of sleep, repeat for the next 2 yrs.
all this shit if i wanna be able to go to wadever course i wanna go in uni. (which i have NO idea what that is for the moment)

how long's it been since i actually laughed out loud for real since my time in JC?
like how i used to laugh like siao in batok at shaz's and xm's crap.
or had a whimsical post;
or even blogged about my daily happenings?

not that theyre of any interest, especially when this is from a guy who goes home alone every single day.

i think i'm really losing myself.
Lord, gimme a reason to keep on going,
cos i sure can't see the point in all of this right now.
its in Your hands.

i hate this.

world of my own    9:10 AM

Saturday, August 09, 2008

random pics.

NJCSC! don't we just own(:

the irony.
looks so damn nice, but its empty cos NO ONE USES IT.

what happens when i get bored

close up

was looking through old pics, and saw the countdown pic!
damn, me, sodi and haikal sure look damn drunk.

the gd ol' times.

world of my own    9:36 AM

Friday, August 08, 2008

piang eh,
organising games day is tough ._.

and whoa, i realised nowadays i really blog only every 1-2 weeks sia;
life is getting reaaaal fast and repetitive, can't believe a week just flew past like that.

to think that a year ago at this time was prelims, it feels so friggin long ago now la omg...
NDP celebrations in sch,

not good/bad ba, just nothing special i guess?
and paul get 'mother island' out of yr head la aiyooo.... -.-
(hahahaa, random gay msg)
after that went out with caleb and xinyi and makan-ed,
gymmed after that.

productive session!
im sibeh shag now.

favourite thing that comes out of my mouth now: 'HOOOOOO'
pardon the randomness(:

world of my own    7:17 AM


DAN the man.
17 years on the face of good ol' earth.
once a bukitbatok-ian, ALWAYS a batokian. ;D
LITTLE RED DOT in southeast asia.
EX-senior spec
EX-batok air rifle vice capt
NJC rifle capt
anything else you want, dearie? :D


dragonball *i know im childish; dun have to remind me*
slacking around with frens



liyana yeo

