Friday, July 25, 2008
hmmm.wondered if i should've taken history instead of chem/bio :/
not that i don't really like chem or bio, but rather i miss the lack of homework in history and how interesting Arts subjects are in comparison to how dry sciences are -.-
and for the first time EVER:
i've got onli two pieces of homework to finish!
(even though one of its amazingly backlogged that is, chinese VA. ;D)
who wants to go get stone drunk with me, CALL ME.
world of my own    10:23 PM
Monday, July 14, 2008
JC life sucks. BADLY.wah fk la, i'm just so damn tired nowadays;
there's not even time to take a breather or do anything else other than stress for the next incoming piece of retarded homework -.-
on a very different note, NJ shooting owns la ;D
4 golds, 2 bronzes(:
amazingly imba xinhang won individual gold with like, roughly 4 mths of shooting experience o.O
realli boh weh gong la LOL,
peifu peifu.
hahaaas, now looking back on sec 4 lotsa stuff seem so far away laaaa......
like 4e2!
i miss yingxuan's crazy laughter,
michelle's eye rolling,
weecheng's suannage of adrian, LOL,
junyang's "wtfark?"
kitman's blank stares before she bursts out laughing ;D
deb and sherrie's crap,
ximing's damn funny shit,
shaz's "arhhh kkkkkk" to khock,
andy's "arh? ehh korean, you crazy izzit?" LOL.
ying's giggling,
haikal's nonsense,
brenda's optimism,
adrian's sleazy grin,
youngmin's kiampah face (AHAHA),
and the list goes on and on and onnnnnnnn........
sucks that we have to wait so long before it happens ._.
and i really agree with the statement that we have 0 foresight, but 20/20 hindsight.
things back then just look really different now;
maybe its just from a more mature perspective?
i don't know.
FM static-Tonight
I remember the times we spent together
All those drives, we had a million questions
All about our lives
And when we got to New York everything felt right
I wish you were here with me,
I remember the days we spent together,
were not enough, it used to feel like dreaming
Except we always woke up,
Never thought not having you here now
Would hurt so much
Tonight I've fallen and I can't get up
I need your loving hands to come and pick me up
And every night I miss you
I can just look up
And know the stars are
Holding you, holding you, holding you
I remember the time you told me
About when you were eight
And all those things you said that night
That just couldn't wait
I remember the car you were last seen in
And the games we would play
All the times we spilled our coffees
And stayed out way too late
I remember the time you sat and told me
About your Jesus, and how not to look back
Even if no one believes us
When it hurts so bad, sometimes
Not having you here
Tonight I've fallen and I can't get up
I need your loving hands to come and pick me up
And every night I miss you
I can just look up
And know the stars are
Holding you, holding you, holding you
I say
Tonight I've fallen and I can't get up
I need your loving hands to come and pick me up
And every night I miss you
I can just look up
And know the stars are
Holding you, holding you, holding you
hmmm, i can't say that im exactly very happy's realli pretty disappointing to see you guys like that, seriously;what happened?i keep on reminding myself that all i can do is sit and stare, and not interfere.i'm not a part of y'all anymore and i shouldn't be the one to tell you all this,you guys have to learn and if it's gotta come at such an expense so be go ahead and crash and burn.
world of my own    7:27 AM
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
gabra: "zhihao, wtf you staring at?"

zhihao: "why, cannot arh?"

gabra: "oeiii, not happy izzit?"

zhihao: "... *continues the awkward standoff-ish silence* "

shaz: "ehh wahlau, y'all so bohliao really nothing better to fight about arh......"

daniel: "aiyaa, go FK yourselves la."
the end.

brought to you by:
the Five; (:
brothers for life.
world of my own    4:08 AM
Sunday, July 06, 2008
wtf la, i hate ppl pangseh.
world of my own    11:01 PM